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Check out BUILDENT PROJECT'S broschure

SAYEG Association is one of the project partner of the BUILDENT project which is funded under Erasmus KA220 Cooperation project.

BUILDENT seeks to develop key competences, by establishing good practices for better support of educational staff in their tasks and improving their education, for updating assessment and validation methods and tools, and for introducing new and innovative forms of teaching and learning needed for personal fulfilment, employability, socio-educational and personal development, as well as participation in civic and social life. As a tool, it seeks to improve both digital and entrepreneurial competences motivating more young people and their teachers. Financial literacy is one of the essential skills defined by EntreComp which constitutes the building blocks of entrepreneurship. Education has been indicated as a solution in building tomorrow’s entrepreneurships skills with EntreComp implemented as the educational guideline. OECD PISA surveys measuring 15-year-olds’ ability to use their reading, mathematics, science, knowledge & skills to meet real-life challenges highlight that students that are aware of financial concepts are taught by parents not schools.

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